eTEFL certification is accredited , registered and recognised internationally.
Online TEFL/TESOL training course syllabus
A typical month teaching English as a foreign language online (once TEFL/TESOL certified), may include a variety of social gatherings from concerts to mixed martial arts. Your biggest problem will be deciding how to spend your free time.
Once traveling, your surroundings can be explored at ease. This is because of the abundance of cheap flights and excellent transport networks of overnight coaches and sleeper trains. This will help you explore beautiful parts of the world at your own pace and embrace the culture, once you are TEFL/TESOL certified to a minimum of 120 hours.
The big cities offer a 24 hour lifestyle with a huge choice of restaurants, bars and clubs if you are looking for a good night out. The social life always attracts westerners that are away from their home like you. (This is because they are TEFL/TESOL certified)
Living abroad to teach English as a foreign language online (once you are TEFL/TESOL certified) will give you perspective. You’ll start to view your native life in a more objective light. It will help you prioritize your life.
Living abroad actively encourages you to try new things on a daily basis and there’s a sense of freedom that comes with it. Companies are increasingly looking to hire employees who can thrive in an unfamiliar environment. Especially candidates which have engaged with continued professional development e.g completing a Teaching English as a Foreign Language course (TEFL)
A TEFL/TESOL online training course,experimenting with new cuisine, seeing exotic locations and meeting new people all add to your personal development and education. This will prepare you for whatever life decides to throw at you, making you far less fearful.
Remote Working
Work remotely Teaching English as a Foreign Language anywhere in the world online. Our Extensive 180 hour TEFL/TESOL course provides licensed content. Geared towards teaching English in an online environment.